Friday, July 28, 2006

We've come virtually no way, baby.

Back to the breastfeeding wars... Jess has a pointed post up that's worth checking out. Apparently BabyTalk magazine's August cover, which shows a baby actually - wait for it - nursing! has caused a bit of uproar. Jess links this article, which has some truly sad quotes from women who are right there on the front lines, fighting for the breast to become solely sexual, and points out the lovely contrast between a reaction to a woman showing her breast while feeding her child and a woman showing her breast, oh, just for fun. Great, thanks, on behalf of those of us who are hoping our daughters will grow up in a more enlightened age.

Time for some more coffee.


Ruth said...

Very true - at first glance, I didn't even realize what it was supposed to be!

Allison said...

Suz, Ruth, I agree. I'm not sure how much more non-explicit that cover could have been. The whole article worries me, but I particularly disliked the quote from the woman who was worried about her 13 year old son seeing it (is there any doubt he's seeing plenty of non-nursing cleavage every day?). I don't just hope my daughters grow up in a healthier age, I'm hoping my sons will, too.

Ruth said...

Amen, Allison, good point.